Information Management in a Changing Climate
In case you haven’t yet read it, the latest October 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change summarises the imminent implications of global warming of 1.5C. It makes for sobering reading, especially when factoring in the American Psychological Association’s report with Eco America on the psychological impacts of climate change. Eco-anxiety. It’s a thing. However, in information management as in our personal lives, we can still play our part to help minimise the effects of climate change and support sustainable innovation. Consider being prepared by planning for the worst while hoping for the best. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans help us focus on highest value organisational activities and identify the information needed following…
The Life Changing Magic of Content Analytics
As we continue easing our way into 2019 the media cycles through its annual New Year New You, a litany of advice on: dieting, saving, relationships, and decluttering your life, amplified this year by the new Netflix series on Marie Kondo’s approach to sparking joy through tidying. A few years ago I saw ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ glimmering upon the bookshop shelves. Could it be true? Were the long-awaited cleaning spells from fairy tales shared? Did the book hold enchantments to chant while circling widdershins in the moonlight? Alas, the illusion was soon dispelled. Though charming, the underlying KonMari method is one familiar to information professionals. One of our specialist…
Thriving in a disrupted world
A belated write-up of my talk on Thriving in a Disrupted World at the Knowledge Management Australia 2017 Conference, which took place 1 to 3 August 2017. The conference was well-attended with fantastic speakers and was wonderfully organised by Steven Oesterreich @kmaustralia and the team at Ark Group who have been running the conference since 2004. Attendees and presenters were drawn from global private, public and third sector knowledge management practitioners and researchers including representatives from Australian Defence, NATO (Andy Anderson provided an overview of KM in practice in NATO, their concept development & experimentation group seems particularly interesting), Arup (Kim Sherwin @misskimsherwin a fellow member of #TeamLibrarian shared a remarkable culture and…
Knowledge sharing for Joint Chiefs of Staff
Currently at the KM Australia 2017 conference at which I’m presenting tomorrow on knowledge management and innovation. Some interesting talks so far and I’ve already found myself sharing one of my notes from the Association for Information & Image Management (AIIM) 2013 Conference held down in New Orleans, so am late-posting here as they’re still interesting and relevant from a great speaker. I’ll follow-up with posts from similarly interesting KM Australia shortly – AIIM Conference 2013 (20-22 March 2013) – Knowledge Sharing for the Best Military Staff on the Planet AIIM Conference 2013 (New Orleans, 20-22 March 2013) Thursday, Mar 21 – 10:00 AM DESCRIPTION: Knowledge-sharing in the best military…
Donut Worry Pitch
SO proud of the Unicorn Girls my group of mentees (alongside our wonderful coach, Koky)… they today finished their Donut Worry submission, being their mobile app developed for Tech Girls 2017. Learn more about uber-dynamo Dr Jenine Beekhuysen’s Tech Girls Movement (partnered with the global Technovation curriculum) Try the app – Donut Worry Below-linked is the Unicorns’ ‘pitch’ for the app: The Ancient Greeks had the Oracle of Delphi. We have Don of DONUT WORRY. Let me call him…
Donut Worry App.
SO proud of the Unicorn Girls who have today finished Donut Worry, their mobile app submission for Tech Girls 2017. DONUT WORRY!
IM vs IT Infographic
Enterprise Information management (IM) and information technology (IT) are not the same, however they are inter-connected, supporting information exchange across and beyond organisations, with each discipline acting as an enabler for the other. This post is cross-posted from a prior post to LinkedIn.
Tech Girls Movement
The Tech Girls Movement was founded by the inspiring Dr Jenine Beekhuysen with whom I co-organised the Brisbane 10th anniversary celebration of the Geek Girls Dinners in August 2015, and again organised a careers of the future event with Amazon in 2016 held at Technology One HQ.
Future-proofing your career as a knowledge and information professional
The below article was published in the 2-May-17 edition of the Records & Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA) News. Membership of RIMPA is required to access the below-linked templates: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where –” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. “–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation. “Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.” (Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 6) ‘May…
Organisational network analysis
I presented at the Australasian Enterprise IT Conference 2015 on the topic Information Architecture & Network Analysis: Demonstrating the Value of Information Architecture in Business Transformation was published as part of the conference proceedings (click here to download the PDF).